Nāu Māi Haere Māi and Welcome to Te Oha

Connect With Māori Talent Or Search for Your Next Job Opportunity Here!


TE OHA Employment works across all sectors in the space of permanent, full time, part time or fixed term placements. We know that onboarding any new hire can be demanding and time consuming and the requirements vary role to role therefore we have created a range of options to suit your business needs.

TE OHA Training provides a safe space to support and encourage those looking to enter or re-enter the workforce through our tailored pre-employment programme Māhia te Māhī. Upon completion of MTM, whānau will be equipped with the necessary soft skills and confidence to enable a strong transition into the workforce.

We are a work in progress. Always learning, challenging ourselves, being innovative in our thinking and taking advantage of opportunities for growth not just for ourselves but for others. As such, we are proud to promote some Kaupapa we are a part of, and other Pākihi Māori who are on the same mission as us - to become the best at what they do to create a legacy of positive change within their whānau. Head over to our news and links page to find out more.

At TE OHA, we are committed to maintaining our integrity and yours and will achieve this by providing a service that is open, transparent and unique, underpinned by our cultural values and respect for all. Whilst our kaupapa is Whānau Māori we are here to provide the same level of support to everyone - hē tāngata kātoa!

Get in touch today and let’s kōrero over a cuppa

Mahia te mahi, hei painga mo te iwi. Work for the betterment of the people
— Princess Te Puea Herangi

Our Services

Looking for work ?

We provide candidates with opportunities that provide growth and development - as well as personal satisfaction.

We are able to assist you with your resume document, with your hard-skill up skilling, and with career guidance.

Whatever your needs, questions, or concerns, talk to and lets see where we can go – together.

Looking for staff ?

Across the country, employers are realizing the importance of building strategic partnerships and integrating Te Ao Maori into their workforce.

We provide clients with the ability to source, attract and retain staff into permanent, part time or fixed term roles.